
Thursday, May 29, 2014


Hey guys! So I just opened up a new Tumblr account with all kinds of cool stuff on it. Feel free to follow me on my Tumblr. Also I'm sorry I have been such a horrible blogger these past few weeks, I'm going to try posting lots more stuff. I'm excited for what's to come! Have a nice day and good luck!


The Raging Excitement

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Collective Mental Capacity

Why? We as humans tend to aim lower than what we deserve. In all areas of our lives. Have you ever asked yourself why? Most of the time its because we are not confident in ourselves, whether we know it or its subconscious or we just flat out deny it. We say to ourselves 'It's alright, I deserve this.' But we are straight up wrong. This especially refers to our friendships. We deserve too be treated right, and not be dragged down by friends who are jealous, or envious. And I definitely agree, it sounds harsh, but if we are too rise to our full potential, we don't need negativity in our lives. You could try to talk it out of course, but if the problem persists you need to know when to walk away. It's not a matter of friends and kindness. It's a matter of self-respect. We forget to respect ourselves. And we need to understand that if we want to be successful people, we will inevitably be forced to make some of our toughest decisions on our way to success. But through these experiences we will learn so much, and we will know which mistakes not to make. This quote by an unknown author perfectly sums this up; 'Why do you surround yourself with people whose collective mental capacity reaches maybe your knees?' This is one of my favorite quotes, and I hope you guys take this into consideration. Don't take less than what you deserve because you all are beautiful people and you can do what you dream of with the right amount of determination, motivation, and sacrifice! Good Luck!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Color Me Lovely

Hey guys! So lately I've been noticing hairstyles, and hair colors. Just been paying attention to the details a lot. And I found beauty in what would traditionally be considered ugly. Your hair is what shows other people your personality and character without you having to say a word. I think that it is a good experience to experiment with your hair style and hair color in your teen years. In the process you could find yourself, or find what you like. There's no rush to it, take your time and see what works for you. Some of these hair colors are even trending right now! Here are some ideas:


Pastel Lavender/Lilac

Pastel Bleu

Pastel Pink

Friday, May 2, 2014



Dress:H&M    Shoes:Cathy Jean   Bag:Steve Madden

Sunday, April 27, 2014

It's All About The Statement You Make

Hello dolls! Today I want to talk about jewelry! I love jewelry, and I always make sure to have some on. It's all about the jewelry, because if you have an 'ok' outfit, you add some bling, and you spend the whole day WOWING everybody you run into. Additionally, jewelry says a lot about you. For example, if you wear bold, colorful pieces, that says that you're adventurous, confident, and daring! Now recently, it's become trendy to be bold with your jewelry choices, such as stacking it and buying huge or bright statement pieces, and I got to say, I'm feeling it! But I've also fallen in love with the tiny little chains that layer. They make you look delicate and feminine. Here is some photo inspiration for you guys!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Hats, Hats, and more Hats!

Hey guys! I'm sorry I've been a bad blogger these past few days! It's been very hectic for me lately. Anyways my current obsession in fashion are hats. I love them, not only do they have the power to top off an outfit, but they make me feel safe, I know it sounds weird but its how I feel. I would get every and any hat if I could! Here are some examples of hats being worn in fashion friendly ways!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Busy Pre-Easter Saturday

Hey loves! Today I had a really busy day that started at 8 in the morning...oohh I know, I was super tired, considering I went to bed at 2 in the morning the previous night! Anyways, I did lots and lots of shopping at the mall today. I also did a mini photoshoot with my brother in our backyard. I'm really excited for Easter tomorrow, I'll be having lunch with family I hadn't seen in a while, so that should be interesting. I'm also really excited for all the chocolate I'm going to eat..yumm!! So here are some photos from today, the white shirt is from XXI, and the black skirt is from Express. The reddish dress is from Snap, the belt is unknown, and the shoes in these photos are from H&M! I am honestly in love with them. Also the black statement necklace in the first photo (you can barely see it) is from
White House|Black Market.